Build the best community

Games P2E, referral program, automated tasks completion check, analytics and much more within one dashboard
Features and cases
Referral program
A simple and seamless way to attract organic traffic
Community members invite friends, compete to involve more referrals and get rewards for activity
Module lowered customer acquisition cost by 81,82% and increased audience growth by 596,69% in 30 days.
case / referral program
Auto-check task perfomance
Rock communication channels and motivate community members
The members perform tasks for activity in all social networks of the project and the bot automatically checks their performance and accrues rewards
Task module with automatic task validation increased organic subscriber growth in social media by 1 059% in 14 days
case / Auto-check task performance
Branded game
Increase project credibility and authenticity with a branded game
The members compete in a game within Telegram bot
You increase engagement and stand out among competitors
Interactive features motivate users to explore the bot and the project
NFT & Token Sales via Bot
Anyone will be able to buy your NFT through the bot because it’s extremely easy

The bot will instruct the user how to pay and notify about the completed transaction
Dashboard functions
Messaging launch that can’t be muted
General analytics and analytics in terms of each user
Activity tasks settings
Competitions and rewarding settings
Effectiveness analysis and anti-bot checking
An additional communication channel - no one can steal or hack the bot
Raising social media activity - social proof of the project value
Community organic growth - once you have involved a user in the bot you promote your pages in other networks unlimited and for free
Data collection and analysis - allow to understand a target audience and scale of the project
Growing reputation and trust in the project - increase your chance of listing on exchange or launchpad due to active community
The members activity analysis - improve current marketing tools and enhance communication
Increasing and retaining community interest - the bot automatically interacts with users 24/7 on behalf of the project
an acceSs
Your potential community members
Your existing community members
How does it work?
from ads
from an announcement
You have DASHBOARD with analytics and options
CRM-system with customized settings
Participate in the project life
Follow an announcements
Bring referrals
Complete tasks
Play a branded game
Buy tokens and NFTs
Community bot members:
Antibot check
They trust С
Create a loyal community with no additional marketing expenses with С!
Short call with our sales team to discuss all capabilities of using ChatBoost

Integrate and run ChatBoost toolset
Choose subscription plan that best fits your project
Your community grows organically and loyal users give you "hearts”
Your steps to build an effective community
Do you have any questions?
Ask your question in the form and our managers will contact you as soon as possible!